Stop Optimizing for The Past

I have had the fortune of learning a lot about development processes and how people approach work. It is always amazing to understand what excites people about work and how they see their role in creating our products. I find great pride in helping people evolve their practices to improve how products come together. Let's explore some observations I have made about what drive people to optimize, and some ideas on how to move to a different way of thinking.

Road crew paving a road in an abandoned town

What drives optimization?

I have noticed a typical driver in how many groups and companies define their development practices. These practices start by working to prevent pains the team has encountered in the past. We build our documentation, processes, and automation around avoiding things that have happened to us before. 

“This happened once, three years ago, and in response, we implemented a rule to prevent it from happening again.” 

I will share a scenario from my experience.  One of the teams I work closely with adapts products from one market for other sales opportunities.  This team traditionally operated 2-3 years behind the rest of the company in terms of software libraries and improvements. Developers on this team have built deep, ingrained expertise in navigating our company’s legacy code and are well-versed in the pains that go along with that.  All their documentation, tasks, and methodologies are designed to find and navigate problems in those legacy products. They maintain numerous versions of software and tools that have been designed to overcome every fathomable scenario.

Fast-forward to today. This team is now trending about 6 – 12 months behind the rest of the company, and their mindset is still about preventing hardships around 3-year-old code. They are optimizing for a problem that doesn’t often occur anymore.

Why do teams focus on the past?

In the simplest form, our teams tend to optimize for the past because that is what they know. We do not really know what we will encounter. Also, if we look for data about where issues occur, it will always point to work we have completed. When looking for opportunities to improve, it is easiest to look at the tasks and processes that were most difficult to accomplish in our most recently completed projects. Additionally, we naturally look to prevent pain and discomfort. This could also be described as a fear of failing or making a mistake more than once.

You only need to grab a cactus once to learn that touching anything with spines sticking out will likely hurt. The next time you encounter anything with spikes on the side, most of us proceed with caution and a different approach. However, experience with cactus doesn’t teach you that fire will hurt. 

This combination of a deep understanding of our prior work and natural tendencies carries over to projects and process improvement.

Overcoming The Past

Overcoming our inclinations to prevent pain is ultimately more difficult than it sounds. Our natural tendencies are a potent force. Begin this process by:

  1. Identifying the largest past pain points. (What Hurt the Most?)
  2. Review the upcoming roadmap and priorities. (What will be common?)
  3. Figure out what pain points will likely exist in upcoming projects.
  4. Plan efforts around upcoming projects. (Optimize for the Future)

What Hurt the Most?

Start the conversation by acknowledging that past problems must be part of the conversation. Ensure that the team knows they can factor those lessons into our future projects. Bring the information and data from those lessons as you start planning future projects. 

Review your data and look for the places where the team put the most effort. Collaborate to clearly identify the key factors that cause those scenarios.

What Is the Roadmap?

Openly share the product plans and requirements with them.  Allow time for the team to review and think about the challenges they foresee with those projects. Be available to answer any clarifying questions they may have.

What will be common?

Next, look for common elements of your future projects.  Create an opportunity for the team to identify if we will encounter any of their large pain points in future projects.  Prioritize these for optimization and tie metrics to the projects that will benefit from the improvements. Find a way to understand if the team improved.

As an aside, it is important not to optimize for every possible pain point, even if it will occur in future projects. I often ask my team to solve the problem for only 51% of situations we will encounter. Using this definition, we can say anything else is an outlier and should be considered a special case. It is not possible to reliably optimize for special cases. For special cases, encourage your team to focus on the situations they will encounter more often and optimize for those.

Optimize for the Future!

Next, it is time to start talking about where you can optimize the process. Be sure to remind everyone that the projects in the upcoming plans must take priority in deciding where to optimize. They must explain where a concern will likely exist in a future project before we can tackle solving it.

If none of the future projects likely include our pain points, then it doesn’t benefit us to solve a problem we are not likely to encounter.

Span of Control and Sphere of Influence

One last area to consider is that as you and your team work through the solutions to the problems they are likely to encounter, ensure they are looking to solve the root of the problem as much as possible. Often, the pain points our team voices are related to inputs or outputs to the team. If your team depends on information from someone else who provides unreliable timing, does it make sense to solve the problem with internal processes? 

Things We Just Live With

Avoid falling into the learned helplessness trap. Look for opportunities to re-evaluate the intent of rules or assumptions that are in place.  There may be decisions that were made in the past about our products that are no longer important or have a different goal now.  If something takes a large portion of time, it never hurts to ask if doing that is still important or if there is a different way to accomplish it.  In the worst-case scenario, you continue as is.

Wrapping Up

We are naturally wired to prevent pain, especially things we have encountered before.  Battle this tendency by embracing where those lessons can apply to upcoming work. Review upcoming work with the team and analyze it against what they are most concerned about and what will be most recurring.  

Solve the problem for 51% of situations. All other situations are special cases that must be handled as they come up! Frequently remind your team of these ideas as they plan where to optimize. Watch for a tendency to optimize for situations that are unlikely to occur in future work. Avoid solving problems with inputs by adjusting internal processes alone and occasionally question time-consuming requirements.

If you are looking for someone to help you identify ways to improve processes at your companyconsider connecting with me.


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